Wednesday, March 27, 2013

From Facebook post to Blog Post...What I think really matters at school...

Facebook post #1:

Hi All - So been working on some things from the parenting front with regards to how kids are treated at school and their safety (hence the random event postings lately) and all I am going to say is this: 

NEVER do anything to harm a bear cub or come between him and his mother or you WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF THE MAMA BEAR. Just sayin.

Facebook post #2:

Also, I will say one more thing on the I go down this journey of discovery of higher learning for my offspring it doesn't seem to matter if it the school is private or public, for profit or not-for-profit, a long standing institution or a brand new facility...has great mgt. or not so great seems to me the common denominator, just like the real estate "anthem" location, location, location is TEACHER, TEACHER, TEACHER!

Maybe we were spoiled (and blessed!) our first 3 years with 2 great years at toddler group with 2 great teachers and a fabulous year at part time preschool last year with a phenomenal teacher I still talk about to this day!...but it seems that if you are an engaged parent it really comes down to this: all that matters is the TEACHER!

For those of you who have gone down this path before me...What do you think?

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