Friday, January 17, 2014

2014 Martin Luther King, Jr Youth March and talent show plus T-Shirt and Hoodie giveaways to first 400 to sign up! - Saturday, January 18th 2014 from 1-4pm

Youth lead 9th annual youth march to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”
–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the public to join a youth-organized march to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Saturday, Jan. 18. Participants will gather at 1 p.m. at Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park, 2200 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, 98144.  Teens will lead the march to Rainier Community Center, 4600 38th Ave. S, 98118. 
This year Seattle Parks and Recreation established a Youth Leadership Team to organize the 9th Annual Martin Luther King Youth March.  The Youth Leadership Team’s goal for the march is to celebrate the contribution Seattle youth make in creating a better city and to honor the work that youth do to keep Dr. King’s dream alive every day.
After the march, a talent show at Rainier Community Center will highlight talented youth in Seattle and end with youth group-speak recitation.
To show your support and march, please sign up at Youth-designed T-shirts and hooded sweatshirts that honor Dr. King will be given to the first 400 people who sign up!
As the first step in the march, visit the Teen Portal at to watch a short video on the civil rights movement.
For more information, please contact Ron Mirabueno at 206-233-3979 or Meghan Patino at 210-268-2067 or

For more info. go here.

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