Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Drop-in Q&A with Sleep Specialist Rebecca Michi at Simplicity ABC in Kirkland - 2nd Thursdays of the month from 10-11:30am - Starts Thursday, April 11th 2013

Have sleep questions? Drop in at Simplicity ABC and see if Rebecca Michi can provide you answers and get you more nighttime rejuvenation also known as sleep!

" Parenting consultant Rebecca Michi will be at Simplicity ABC from 10 am - 1130 am for drop in Q & A session every second Thursday of every month. This is Rebecca's first and only Eastside drop in, open forum workshop. Bring along your sleep questions—she’ll answer as many of them as time allows.

Rebecca Michi is a Seattle based Children’s Sleep Consultant who works with families all over the globe. “Sleep is a basic human need that enables us to function properly and live happy and healthy lives” says Michi, “I truly believe that sleep deprivation is tortuous and can impact your happiness, relationships and performances. I am passionate about helping children and their parents build healthy habits so they can finally get some sleep. By transforming drama into dreamland, my mission is to give exhausted parents and children a good night’s sleep.” Learn more about her at www.rebeccamichi.com. "

For more info. go here.

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