Friday, November 11, 2011

Java anyone? Free Small Coffee at participating Western Washington McDonalds - now thru November 20th!

Went through a McDonald's drive-thru recently and was greeted with "Would you like a free Small Premium Roast Coffee today?" I was a little startled by that - probably from having way too much caffeine in my system by that point anyway ;-) and I wanted to remember to post this freebie news for all of you.  As I was reminded again by this tweet:
McDonald's WesternWA
Give yourself a pick-me-up and grab a FREE small Premium Roast Coffee from McDonald's! ^Western Washington only

...I wanted to make sure that I let all of you caffeine lovers know! (You know who you are!)

Anyway, according to the sign at the Kirkland McDonald's, this promo lasts until November 20th!
So, Enjoy! 

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