Friday, May 13, 2011

Brian Vogan Kids Concert at Northgate Community Center - Saturday, May 14th at 11am

Northgate Community Center is hosting the Haller Lake Arts Council's Kids Concert Series. Saturday's concert will be the last of the series and is featuring Brian Vogan! It is recommended for ages 4-12.

FYI - Event will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Northgate Community Center located at 10510 5th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98125.

For more info. go here or here.

Photo of Brian Vogan courtesy of Haller Lake Arts Council

Excerpt from their website:

Brian Vogan is a songwriter, performer and early childhood music teacher in Seattle. He teaches music to young children and the songs he writes are directly inspired by the interests and ideas of the children he educates. His debut release, Little Songs, was hailed by critics as one of the best children’s CDs of 2008 and received a best of the decade nod by Wired Magazine’s blog, GeekDad. With the release of Sing a Little Song, Brian Vogan and his Good Buddies return with fun, engaging, and eclectic tunes that feature lyrical themes relevant to children and musicianship the whole family can enjoy.

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