Friday, April 15, 2011

Bellevue Earth Day/Arbor Day Event at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens - Saturday, April 16th from 10am-2pm

Another great way to celebrate Earth Day is at the beautiful Bellevue Botanical Gardens. Kids will enjoy getting their "passports" stamped at each eco-station and the raffle that follows.

From their website:

Celebrate Earth Day at the City of Bellevue’s Annual
Arbor Day-Earth Day Event
Saturday April 16, 2011
Family Festival, 10am-2pm
Grab your “passport” from a Ranger and journey through the many eco-stations at the Garden. Activities include a Living Lab native plant workshop, docent-led Garden tours, live bug sampling on “Bug TV” and many others. Get a stamp at each station and return your completed passport for a raffle ticket.
Ceremonial Tree Planting, 11:30am
Raffle to follow. Winners do not need to be present at time of drawing.
Of Special Note: This year the City of Bellevue will receive its 20th consecutive Tree City USA award and its 18th Growth Award from the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters.

For more info. click here.

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