Saturday, April 23, 2011

Audubon Center B'Earthday Party! Saturday, April 23rd from 10am-5pm

Celebrate Seward Park Environmental and Audubon Center's 3rd Birthday with cupcakes and lots more!

From their website:

B-I-G Birthday Celebrations
Lumpy the Tortoise
Saturday, April 23
See detailed schedule below
Ages: Everyone welcome
Cost: FREE

        What better way to celebrate birthdays than with cupcakes, face painting, guided walks, origami animals of Seward Park, bird box building, and more? The Center is turning 3, Lumpy the Tortoise is turning 6, and we’re kicking off a celebration of Seward Park’s 100-year history – with more to follow throughout 2011!

10:00am – 3:00pm Center’s 3rd B-Earth-day Party – Join the fun inside the Center and have a cupcake on us!
10:00am, 12:00pm, 2:00pm Guided Walk to the Eagles Nest – with an Audubon naturalist
12:00 pm – 2:00pm Research Presentations – students from Seattle U and Cornish College of the Arts

For more info. and additional activities go here.

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